Listing images

The filter tagged with keyword stars matches 5 images. Switch to grid view, or go to the image viewer for this filter or alternatively go to the folder list or folder grid.
Icon Folder Name Capture date Camera Lens
2013-12-02 New night tests dsc_1808 2013-12-02 20:31:33.5000 +00:00 NIKON D800 28.0 mm f/1.8
2013-12-02 New night tests dsc_1810 2013-12-02 20:34:04.7000 +00:00 NIKON D800 28.0 mm f/1.8
2013-12-02 New night tests test2 2013-12-02 20:41:00.0000 +00:00 unknown unknown
2013-12-02 New night tests dsc_1866 2013-12-02 20:58:59.5000 +00:00 NIKON D800 28.0 mm f/1.8
2013-12-02 New night tests dsc_1872 2013-12-02 21:04:32.9000 +00:00 NIKON D800 28.0 mm f/1.8