Listing images

The filter shot with a 16.0-80.0 mm f/2.8-4.0 lens matches 4 images. Switch to grid view, or go to the image viewer for this filter or alternatively go to the folder list or folder grid.
Icon Folder Name Capture date
2018-08-31 Vevey again! Sep 1 - Sâmbătă - Seara/d75_0622 2018-09-01 18:48:31.0400 +00:00
2018-08-31 Vevey again! Sep 1 - Sâmbătă - Seara/d75_0659 2018-09-01 20:31:14.6300 +00:00
2018-08-31 Vevey again! Sep 1 - Sâmbătă - Seara/d75_0680 2018-09-01 20:40:25.7800 +00:00
2018-09-14 Levanto 16 - Duminică/d75_1429 2018-09-16 18:12:26.2900 +00:00